Get to know about our company
- JIK Industries Ltd (JIK) [previously known as Krishna Finstock Pvt. Ltd (KFL)] was incorporated in the year 1990.
- JIK shares have been listed on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) since 1995 and National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE) since 1997.
- In 2002, for the 5th year in succession (1997- 2002). ‘ET 500’ (Economic Times) ranked JIK in the top 500 companies of India (Rank 291)
- JIK used to be in the manufacturing/business of Crystal, Glass and Allied Products and discontinued manufacturing of Crystal in 2019 as the company transitioned its business model to a wider scope of business in general trading and services. The Company as a part of its services offering, offers Logistics & Ancillaries Services, and fully integrated and client specific solutions in Inventory Management. Company offers systematic processes and scalability in Logistics & Ancillaries Services and Inventory Management Solutions across the various fields like materials handling, packaging, supply and distribution chain integration. Company has necessary capabilities to handle various product types and business categories. The Inventory Management Solutions provided can handle items across the production value chain from Raw Materials to Finished Goods.